Website Accessibility Policy

The Tianjin Juilliard School (“Tianjin Juilliard” or “School”) strives to ensure the accessibility of its website for students, parents, and members of the community with disabilities to enable those individuals to: a) independently acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same benefits and services as those without disabilities, with substantially equivalent ease of use; and b) ensure that those individuals are not excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any Tianjin Juilliard programs, services, and activities delivered online. 

Current Status

Tianjin Juilliard is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. The School is working to increase the accessibility and usability of its website and to implement new technology that provides all users with a rich experience and equal access to content. In addition, Tianjin Juilliard will ensure that third-party developers and content providers are aware of the School’s website accessibility policy and encourage those providers to adopt Tianjin Juilliard’s standards.

Web content that has been archived is not subject to the standards referenced in this policy.

Website Accessibility Concerns

Achieving accessibility compliance is a continuous process, and Tianjin Juilliard welcomes comments or suggestions on improving the accessibility of its website and information technologies. A student, parent or member of the public who wishes to submit a report related to the accessibility of any official web presence that is developed by, maintained by, or offered. Through Tianjin Juilliard may do so by emailing the Office of Marketing at

The formal report should include the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date
  • Description of the problem encountered
  • Web address or location of the problem page
  • Solution desired
  • Contact information in case more details are needed (email and phone number)

Whether or not a formal report is made, once Tianjin Juilliard has been notified of inaccessible content, effective communication will be provided to the reporting party as soon as possible to provide access to the content. The report will be investigated by the School and seek a timely resolution to the report. Upon completion of the investigation, the reporting party will be notified of the findings and conclusions and the actions to be taken to resolve the issues raised in the report. Tianjin Juilliard will take steps to remedy the issue as soon as practicable. 


The website supports the current and previous major releases of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari on computers. On mobile devices, the website can be accessed using Chrome, Safari, Edge, or native ICS Android browsers like Baidu, 360, Sougou.

Browsing Tips

Websites often have text that is difficult to read, controls that are difficult to click, or audio or video that is difficult to hear. Fortunately, your computer can be customized to improve your browsing experience. Please check out W3C Better Web Browsing Tips at for strategies, guidelines and resources to make the web more accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Accessing PDFs

Adobe Acrobat is required to view and print PDF documents that appear on this website. To download this program for free, visit the Adobe website.

To read PDF documents with a screen reader, please refer to the Access Adobe website, which provides useful tools and resources.

[Updated for 2023]