Report an Incident

Public Safety
To report an immediate life-threatening emergency, please call 110 first, and then notify Tianjin Juilliard Public Safety Office at 022-66336498.

To report security-related incidents such as assaults/physical harassment, burglaries/robberies/thefts, destruction of property, fires, hate crimes, inappropriate/disruptive behavior, missing persons, and prohibited items, please email:

School Policy Violations/ Health-related Issues
For non-security related incidents such as Tianjin Juilliard policy violations and health-related issues, please contact:

Office of Student Development 

Pre-College Office 

Sexual Misconduct Violations
To report any alleged sexual misconduct violations, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, and retaliation, please write to:

Shuli XU
Associate Dean of Student Development and B-SMP Officer

General Grievance
To express a general, non-emergency grievance, please contact:

Graduate School - Office of Student Development 

Pre-College Office 

Assessment and Care Team
Should you have concerns about the wellbeing of students, please contact A.C.T. to make a referral.