All applicants who have been newly admitted to Tianjin Juilliard as well as all currently enrolled students must register during the registration periods as indicated in the academic calendar available on the Tianjin Juilliard School website. They should be prepared to pay enrollment deposits and tuition according to the schedule of payments outlined in Tuition and Fees on the Tianjin Juilliard website. Students must meet payment dates in order to proceed with registration.
All students are expected to register on time and to begin classes as scheduled. New students are not permitted to arrive late.
Placement Assessments
All newly admitted students in the in the Graduate Program take mandatory placement tests at the beginning of the academic year in music theory, ear training, and other designated subjects. Placements tests will be administered during the New Student Orientation week.
Advisement Process
The Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and the Registrar meet with students for academic advisement three times per year: in April, before registration opens for Fall term classes; in August, to register new students for Fall classes; and in October-November, before registration opens for Spring term classes. The Add-Drop period begins on the first day of each semester and ends on the 10th day of the semester. It is at this time when students may make adjustments to their schedules. No classes may be added after that period has ended.
Transfer Credit
Tianjin Juilliard does not grant gradute transfer credits.
Credit Limit
A minimum course load of 12 credits per semester is considered full-time and required in all programs of study. The maximum normal credit load per semester is 21 credits. Any schedule containing more than 21 credits per semester is considered an overload and must be approved by the Office of Academic Affairs. Overloads dictated by curriculum requirements will be confirmed at the time of registration.
Schedule Changes
No addition, cancellation, or change in a student’s class schedule will be considered official until it is recorded by the Registrar. Schedule changes may be made by advisement only during the first two weeks of classes in each semester. Students may request changes by appointment in the Office of Academic Affairs.
Adding Classes: Classes may be added only during the first and second week of a given semester. Students may not earn credits for attendance in a class for which they are not officially registered. They are responsible for subject matter already covered in any class to which they have been admitted late.
Dropping Classes: Classes may be dropped only during the first and second week of a semester. After the initial add/drop period, students may withdraw from non-required classes (grade of W recorded) through the 10th week of the semester. After the 4th week of classes, students must receive the permission from the Scholastic Standing Committee. Students cannot withdraw a required course without the permission of the Scholastic Standing Committee. Withdrawal forms will be available in the Registrar’s Office and also on the Student Forms and Documents page on MyHub. All withdrawal forms must have the instructor’s signature and must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the deadlines listed in the Academic Calendar.
Changes of Class Section: All requests for change of class section are subject to the same regulations as adding or dropping classes.
Changes of Status
Change of Major Teacher
The request for a change in major teacher begins with an interview with the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs. No change of major teacher will be authorized without the approval of the Dean.
Secondary Applied Study
Students who wish to pursue studies in a secondary instrument must apply to the dean after they arrive at Tianjin Juilliard. There is an additional fee for secondary studies that entitles the student to 15 hours of private instruction for the academic year. Students who wish to have more than 15 hours for the academic year of private instruction on a secondary instrument will be charged an additional fee.
Leaves of Absence
Students desiring an extended leave of absence from their studies for professional, medical, or personal reasons must apply in writing to the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs. If approved, the official leave of absence date will be the day the the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs is notified, or the last day of attendance in any educationally related activity (including participation in performances), whichever is later. Academic standing may be a factor in the approval of a leave of absence. Students in the first term of a program are generally not eligible for a leave. Leaves of absence may not exceed two consecutive semesters. Any student not returning after an approved two-semester leave will be withdrawn from the School and will have to apply for readmission through the Office of Admissions.
Appeal Process for Leave of Absence
Should a student’s ability to maintain satisfactory progress be hampered by mitigating circumstances, such as a personal family crisis, an injury or illness of the student or other extraordinary reason, the student may be approved for a leave of absence or be permitted to continue on a reduced schedule for a period of not longer than one academic year.
The Scholastic Standing Committee will review the student’s situation at the end of the designated period. Should the student be dismissed due to unsatisfactory academic progress, that student has the right to appeal in writing to the Dean on the basis of mitigating circumstances (as described above). If the appeal is positively reviewed, the student will be readmitted. Such readmission is confirmed in writing by the Dean (or designee).
Students desiring to withdraw from the School, for any reason, must notify the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs. The official date of withdrawal will be the day the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs is notified or the last day of attendance in any educationally related activity (including participation in performances), whichever is later. Students who withdraw from the School must reapply to the Office of Admissions if they wish to return.
Standards and Regulations
Scholastic Standing and Satisfactory Academic Progress
In developing its philosophy of scholastic standing and methods of measuring satisfactory academic progress, The Tianjin Juilliard School has been obliged to consider carefully the unique nature of the educational and artistic process at the School as well as the unique development of each individual student. Students in the performing arts who are admitted to The Tianjin Juilliard School begin graduate studies with a commitment to a specific art form and in most cases are highly trained and disciplined at the outset of their studies. Therefore, the qualitative evaluation of their potential for graduation in the particular curriculum track begins in the first year. Requirements for graduation are delineated by program, course, credit, and normal residency for each field of study. Quantitative evaluation is set against those published guidelines. Students must follow the curriculum guidelines prescribed by their major field of study. Progress through the prescribed sequence of courses and the credits accumulated become the student’s official transcript. While Tianjin Juilliard computes a traditional grade point average (G.P.A.) by semester and cumulatively, the School does not attempt to rank its students by class level or department.
The educational programs of The Tianjin Juilliard School, including academic standards and regulations governing satisfactory progress, are supervised by both the Dean and the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs.
Scholastic Standing Committee Meeting Calendar
The Scholastic Standing Committee meets at least once at the beginning and close of each semester:
- Fall semester: September, November, and December/January
- Spring semester: January, March, and May/June
Grading System
The School awards credit for studies on the basis of regular attendance and satisfactory completion of all assignments and examinations. At the close of each semester, grades will be emailed by the Registrar, and become part of the student’s permanent record. Any questions regarding the accuracy of a grade must be addressed in writing to the the Office of Academic Affairs within the semester immediately following receipt of the grade. Students who wish to receive a printed copy of their cumulative record should file a request in the Office of the Registrar. Studies are classified in the following categories: major study, classroom, performance ensembles, and annual examinations (juries). Grades are recorded as follows:
Credit Grades
A |
4.00 |
Honors |
A- |
3.67 |
B+ |
3.33 |
B |
3.00 |
High Pass |
B- |
2.67 |
C+ |
2.33 |
C |
2.00 |
Pass |
C- |
1.67 |
D |
1.00 |
Low Pass |
P |
Pass |
PX |
CR |
Credit |
U |
Unsatisfactory |
Note: Grades of C- and D do not carry credit at the graduate level.
Non-Credit Grades
F |
Failure |
IA |
Insufficient Attendance |
I |
Incomplete (I grades may only be received with prior permission of the instructor. Requirements must be completed no later than four weeks following the end of the semester for which the incomplete was received; otherwise, the grade will be recorded as a failure [IF]). See note below. |
W |
Withdrawn |
X |
Absent from examination (X grades may only be received with prior permission of the instructor. The exam must be made up no later than four weeks following the end of the semester for which the X was received; otherwise, the grade will be recorded as a failure [XF]). See note blow. |
NC |
No Credit |
MX |
Medical Excuse (Performance grade only. By petition to the Dean’s office. MX grades grant a waiver of credit and are approved for one semester only.) |
N |
No grade submitted |
Note: Extensions that result in a grade of Incomplete may be granted by the Scholastic Standing Committee only upon instructor-approved petition by the student. Under certain conditions, exceptions may be allowed for first-semester Incompletes in year-long skills based courses.
Repeat Classes
Students who are permitted to continue along their curriculum track and who are obliged to repeat classes in order to fulfill their graduation requirements, replace missing credits or to attain proficiency in certain skills or techniques do not violate the terms of satisfactory progress, because their work is still evaluated within the context of progression toward graduation. Moreover, it is likely that repeat classes will take place during a period when the student is on some form of official status, such as concern, warning, or probation.
With respect to all repeat courses, Incompletes, and Withdrawals, considerable care is taken in individual advisement to assist students with suitable options for achieving their educational goals, including but not limited to tutorials and appropriately intensified course loads. Grades received in repeat classes do not remove or replace previous grades recorded in those courses.
Grade Appeal
Any question regarding the accuracy of a grade must be addressed by the student in writing to the Registrar within the add/drop period of the semester immediately following the semester in which the grade was received. Grade appeals received later than this deadline will not be accepted for further review. The student will be advised first to consult with the instructor in order to understand the computation of the grade; the instructor will document this consultation in writing to the student and the Registrar. If the student has further concerns, the next step is to consult with the department head. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the registrar informed if the appeal proceeds beyond consultation with the instructor. Ultimate resolution, if warranted, rests with an administrative committee chaired by the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs (or designee). The student will receive a written response to the appeal at each appropriate stage. Copies of this correspondence will be maintained in the student’s folder in the Registrar’s Office. Every effort will be made to resolve grade appeals in a timely manner, to the extent possible, within the semester in which the written appeal was received.
Academic Standing
Students begin their studies at The Tianjin Juilliard School in good standing and are encouraged at every turn to maintain that status throughout their program of study at the School. Should a student’s progress fall below departmental standards with respect to any aspect of the qualitative and quantitative work expected, the student will receive written notification of a change in academic standing (concern, warning, or probation) as described below. Copies of such notifications are routinely shared with the Dean, the primary studio teacher, and the Registrar. In many cases, a personal conference with an appropriate School official will be part of the notification process.
All students are expected to maintain a grade of at least B in major subject and performance classes, and satisfactory jury examinations.
Note: Grades below B in the major subject and performance classes will prompt disciplinary action by the Scholastic Standing Committee. In classroom subjects, grades lower than C do not carry credit at the Master’s level.
Standard Categories of Disciplinary Action
Concern and Warning: If a student receives a grade or grades lower than the required minimum in secondary subjects (i.e., subjects outside the major or performance studies), he or she may receive a letter of concern or letter of warning. Such a letter is normally issued at the close of the semester, but may be issued at any time during the academic year that the Registrar receives official notice of poor achievement. A letter of warning indicates a severe lapse in academic performance nearly warranting probationary status. If a student receives a letter of concern or warning, that student’s record will be reviewed again at the midpoint and close of the succeeding semester.
Probation: A student may be placed on probation at any time for significant problems in meeting the artistic, technical, and/or professional requirements of their major field of study demonstrated by unsatisfactory grades in the major subject or performance classes, or jury examination for repeated failures in a secondary subject or subjects; for multiple failures or non-credit grades in a given term; for an unprofessional attitude toward class attendance; or for a serious breach of the “Essential Elements of the Curriculum.” If a student receives a probation letter, that student’s record will be reviewed again at the midpoint and close of the succeeding semester.
Dismissal: Students who do not meet the terms of their probation or who demonstrate a persistent inability to meet the scholastic standards of The Tianjin Juilliard School (for example, repeated failures) may, at the School’s discretion, be subject to dismissal at any time. Students may also be dismissed at any time if their attitude or deportment conflicts with other standards of the School, or if they endanger their own health or that of others. Acts of cheating and vandalism are dismissible offenses. Students are subject to Tianjin Juilliard’s Standards of Academic Integrity as detailed in the Student Handbook. Students who are dismissed are generally advised in a personal conference with the Dean as well as in writing.
Examinations and Juries
Students are required to take all class examinations and performance juries at the announced times. Students are required to take jury examinations at the end of each year of study. Jury times are scheduled by the Office of the Registrar. Permission to postpone annual or graduation jury examinations must be approved in writing by the studio teacher and submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs for final approval. Permission to change the time for a class examination must be obtained from the class instructor. Students must be registered for major lessons during the semester of a graduation jury or recital.
Note: Detailed information regarding jury requirements will be posted on Myhub.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all classes, lessons, and required rehearsals. Promptness is required. Inappropriate absences or repeated lateness may result in a failing grade or, in extreme cases, dismissal from the School.
Absences incurred due to personal/family crisis or in observance of a holiday not officially recognized by the School may be excused. Any student who intends to take an excused absence in observance of a holiday must inform instructors at the start of the semester of his/her intention to do so, be prepared to make up any assignments or work missed as a result of the absence, and observe scheduled due dates for coursework even where the absence has been excused.
Early departures for, or late returns from, vacations, whether for reasons of reduced travel cost or for another reason, are NOT considered valid excuses for missing class or rehearsal work.
Studio Lessons
Students unable to attend studio lessons or coachings for ensembles should notify the faculty in advance. Failure to do so will result in loss of credit for the lesson missed.
Orchestra and Chamber Music
Orchestra and chamber music concerts at Tianjin Juilliard provide the students with major performance opportunities. Attendance at rehearsals and participation in assigned concerts throughout the year are required. For more detailed attendance policies, please refer to the Orchestra Handbook and Chamber Music Handbook or contact the Orchestra Manager or Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or loss of scholarship.
A complete statement of the Orchestra Policy and Chamber Music Policy can be found at
Classroom Courses
All classroom courses have attendance policies that will be clearly outlined in the instructors’ syllabi. Students must follow those policies in order to assure satisfactory progress in those courses.
Absences in these courses are excused when they are caused by special rehearsals scheduled for School performances. Such rehearsals are announced to the classroom teachers in advance, and lists of the students involved are provided by the Office of Performance Activities.
If a student has important professional engagements that will take them away from the School, she/he must file a request for a short-term professional leave in advance with the Office of Academic Affairs, which will consult with the student’s major and classroom teachers, as well as chamber music coach where applicable, to determine how, if at all, such absences will affect evaluation of the student’s course work.
When students must miss class because of illness, they are required to email the instructors of any classes that will be missed in advance of the class meeting time. For serious illnesses lasting longer than one week, students can obtain an excused absence for medical reasons, upon providing a doctor’s note on official stationery.
All classroom courses have stringent attendance policies. Students must follow those policies in order to assure satisfactory progress in those courses. The full policy is listed in the Academic Affairs page on MyHub: Attendance Requirement for Academic Courses
Classroom Protocol
As a pre-professional institution with a mission to develop leaders in the performing arts, Tianjin Juilliard expects its students to observe the normal courtesies practiced by a society of mature and responsible persons. The standards of the profession are in effect at Tianjin Juilliard.
Any classroom behavior which interferes with the instructor’s ability to teach or distracts from the concentration of other students will not be tolerated. Such behavior may include, but is not limited to:
- eating or drinking
- talking to a neighbor in a disruptive manner
- using electronic devices for non-academic purposes, including a cell phone
- inappropriate language
- physical violence of any kind
- arriving late, leaving early
Any student whose actions detract from the learning of any other person in the class will be asked to leave the classroom immediately. If the student continues to be disruptive and does not leave the room after being clearly told to do so, the teacher’s report to the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs will place the student on automatic academic or disciplinary probation, with the potential of being dismissed from School after judicial review.
Students in need of tutoring in musical subjects may be assigned to one-on-one tutorials by the course instructor in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs. Upon request, students may also obtain academic assistance from The Academic Skills, Communication and English Support for Success Center (ACESS Center). In some cases, tutoring will be assigned by the Scholastic Standing Committee, and overseen by that committee together with the Office of Academic Affairs and the instructor. Attendance at assigned tutorials is mandatory.To schedule an appointment with the ACESS Center, please email
Residency and Statute of Limitations
The expected residency for the Master of Music program at The Tianjin Juilliard School is two years. The maximum number of years a student has to complete all requirements is four years.
The statute of limitations begins with the date of a student’s first enrollment at Tianjin Juilliard and includes all non-medical leaves of absence. Readmission to programs beyond the statute of limitations means starting the program anew. Any extensions or exceptions require written approval of the Dean.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is at the center of all educational processes at The Tianjin Juilliard School. Academic misconduct and dishonesty undermine the integrity of teaching and learning in our community. Such cases are taken seriously and will be resolved in a fair and consistent manner. All members of the Tianjin Juilliard community should serve as models of honest and truthful behavior, be aware of the standards of academic integrity and work to eliminate situations that could result in academic misconduct. Students are strongly encouraged to avail themselves of the offices and services created to assist them in coping with the stress and rigor of The Tianjin Juilliard School. These include the Office of Academic Affairs, ACESS Center, Counseling Services, and Office of Student Development.
Definitions of Academic Misconduct and Dishonesty
The following definitions encompass all classroom, studio, and performance work:
- Cheating includes but is not limited to using or attempting to use unauthorized information for or during an exam or other form of evaluation; copying or attempting to copy from another student; knowingly giving or sharing information during a test or to students in other classes; collaborating on assignments that are intended to represent an individual student’s work.
- Plagiarism includes but is not limited to the failure to give credit to a source of ideas, language or words that are not one’s own; copying of passages without attribution to the author and the printed or on-line source; inserting of someone else’s work—perhaps with small changes—into one’s own work and not supplying the name of the author; downloading part or all of an essay or term paper off the Internet as if it were one’s own original work. It is also the purchasing or using of a paper from another individual or outside source.
- Falsification and fraud include but are not limited to the intentional forgery or alteration of academic documents, performance recordings, records or forms; invention of information or citation in any academic examination or evaluation; encouraging an individual to alter academic documents or assisting others in such activities; the intentional misuse of academic documents, performance recordings, records or forms; misrepresenting one’s self during an official examination or evaluation; giving or selling work to other individuals to pass as their own.
- Other examples of academic misconduct include removing, copying, or reading of any official documents or records maintained by any member of the faculty or administration; resubmitting work done in previous courses without the approval of the current instructor.
Academic Conduct Committee and Adjudication
The Tianjin Juilliard School respects the dignity of its students, yet requires that students comply with regulations of academic life necessary to fulfill its educational responsibilities. Tianjin Juilliard seeks to create for its students a positive learning environment. To this end, in all cases of academic misconduct, every effort will be made to ensure that the alleged offender will receive due process in accordance with
Tianjin Juilliard policies and procedures. Confidentiality will be maintained to the best possible extent.
The Scholastic Standing Committee supervises the investigation of academic misconduct reports. Academic Integrity Hearing panels are formed by a selection of three to five of the following individuals: Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs or designee, Director of the Library and select classroom faculty on a rotation basis.
Statement of Accreditation
The Tianjin Juilliard School is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
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Philadelphia, PA 19104-2680
Telephone: 267-284-5000
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education recognizes the value of information provided by students, prospective students, employees, and others in determining whether an institution’s performance is consistent with the Commission’s standards and expectations for accreditation. Any complaints or comments regarding Tianjin Juilliard’s compliance with the Commission’s standards for accreditation, requirements of affiliation, and policies and procedures can be submitted online using the Commission’s Complaints and Third Party Comment Form.
Higher Education General Information Survey Codes
All degree and diploma programs are registered with the New York State Education Department and are classified by program title with Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) codes.
Statement of Compliance
The Tianjin Juilliard School endeavors to provide an open, nurturing educational environment. To that end, the School has established policies in support of the Drug Free Schools Act, the Campus Security Act, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.