- 演奏视频须确实由你本人演奏。
- 你需要以视频的形式上传你的文件。我们接受的视频文件格式包括: .avi, .flv, .m1v, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .webm, .wmv。
- 每一乐章或选段均须以单个电子文件的形式分别上传。
- 请用英文命名你上传的每个文件,文件名应包含作曲家名字及作品/乐章名称。
- 不得对视频进行编辑,也不得添加“混响”效果。
- 请在上传之前再次检查演奏视频,确保其质量代表了你目前的最高水平。
- 请在截止日期之前将你的演奏视频上传至申请页面(截止日期为美国东部时间2024年12月15日 )。
- 除特别声明外,全部作品(奏鸣曲及乐队片段除外)都需要背谱演奏。
现场面试地点 | 日期 |
纽约* 茱莉亚学院 | 2025年1月26日
首尔 施坦威演奏厅 | 2025年2月7日 |
天津* 天津茱莉亚学院 | 2025年2月23日&2月24日 2025年3月2日&3月3日 |
新加坡* 杨秀桃音乐学院 |
2025年2月11日 |
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
All works except for sonatas and orchestral excerpts must be performed from memory.
1. 任选巴赫无伴奏奏鸣曲或组曲的一个乐章
One movement from an unaccompanied sonata or partita for violin
2. 任选一首十九、二十或二十一世纪协奏曲的第一乐章及华彩,例如巴托克第一或第二、贝多芬、贝尔格、勃拉姆斯、布里顿、德沃夏克、埃尔加、科恩戈尔德、门德尔松、普罗科菲耶夫第一或第二、勋伯格、肖斯塔科维奇第一或第二、西贝柳斯、斯特拉文斯基、柴可夫斯基、维厄当第五、沃尔顿,需要与钢琴合作
First movement with cadenza of a concerto from the 19th, 20th or 21st century, such as: Bartók No. 1 or 2, Beethoven, Berg, Brahms, Britten, Dvořák, Elgar, Korngold, Mendelssohn, Prokofiev No. 1 or 2, Schönberg, Shostakovich No. 1 or 2, Sibelius, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Vieuxtemps No. 5, or Walton, must be played with piano
3. 任选一首奏鸣曲的第一乐章,需与已选协奏曲来自不同的音乐时期。需要与钢琴合作
First movement of a sonata from a contrasting musical period as the selected concerto, must be played with piano
4. 以下乐队片段:
- 门德尔松《仲夏夜之梦》,谐谑曲:第17至99小节
- 莫扎特《第三十九交响曲》,第四乐章:开始至第78小节
- 施特劳斯《唐璜》:第一页
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Mendelssohn A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Scherzo: mm. 17-99
- Mozart Symphony No. 39, 4th movement: beginning to m. 78
- Strauss Don Juan, 1st page
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
All works except for sonatas and orchestral excerpts must be performed from memory.
1. 任选巴赫无伴奏奏鸣曲或组曲的两个对比性乐章,或巴赫《恰空舞曲》全曲
Two contrasting movements of an unaccompanied Bach sonata or partita or the complete Bach Chaconne
2. 任选一首十八、十九、二十或二十一世纪协奏曲的第一乐章及华彩,例如莫扎特、海顿、巴托克第一或第二、贝多芬、贝尔格、勃拉姆斯、布里顿、德沃夏克、埃尔加、科恩戈尔德、门德尔松、普罗科菲耶夫第一或第二、勋伯格、肖斯塔科维奇第一或第二、西贝柳斯、斯特拉文斯基、柴可夫斯基、维厄当第五、沃尔顿。 First movement with cadenza of a concerto from the 18th, 19th, 20th or 21st century, such as: Mozart, Haydn, Bartók No. 1 or 2, Beethoven, Berg, Brahms, Britten, Dvořák, Elgar, Korngold, Mendelssohn, Prokofiev No. 1 or 2, Schoenberg, Shostakovich No. 1 or 2, Sibelius, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Vieuxtemps No. 5, Walton.
3. 以下乐队片段:
- 门德尔松《仲夏夜之梦》,谐谑曲:第17至99小节
- 施特劳斯《唐璜》:第一页
- 莫扎特《第三十九交响曲》,第四乐章:开始至第78小节
- 普罗科菲耶夫《第一交响曲》“古典”,第一乐章:开始至第86小节
- 勃拉姆斯《第三交响曲》,第一乐章:开始至第23小节,第57至90小节
- 德彪西《大海》,第二乐章“波浪的游戏”:排练序号19至20,排练序号33至39
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Mendelssohn A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Scherzo: mm. 17-99
- Strauss Don Juan: 1st page
- Mozart Symphony No. 39, 4th movement: Beginning to m. 78
- Prokofiev Symphony No.1 “Classical”, 1st movement: Beginning to m. 86
- Brahms Symphony No. 3, 1st movement: Beginning to m. 23 and mm. 57-90
- Debussy La Mer, No. 2 “Jeux de vagues”: Rehearsal Nos. 19 to 20 and Rehearsal Nos. 33 to 39
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
All works except for sonatas and orchestral excerpts must be performed from memory.
1. 任选一首十八、二十或二十一世纪标准中提琴协奏曲的第一乐章及华彩,需要与钢琴合作
First movement and cadenza of a standard viola concerto from 18th, 20th, 21st century, must be played with piano
2. 任选巴赫无伴奏大提琴组曲、无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲或组曲的一个乐章
One movement from J.S. Bach’s Suites for unaccompanied cello, or sonatas and partitas for unaccompanied violin
3. 任选一首十九世纪(浪漫主义时期)或二十世纪早期奏鸣曲的第一乐章(例如克拉克;欣德米特《第四奏鸣曲》作品11之四;鲍文等),需要与钢琴合作
The 1st movement of a 19th century (romantic) or early 20th century sonata (such as Clarke, Hindemith Op. 11 no.4, Bowen, etc.), must be played with piano
4. 以下乐队片段:
- 莫扎特《第三十五交响曲》“哈夫纳”,第一乐章:开始至第29小节
- 莫扎特《第三十五交响曲》“哈夫纳”,第四乐章:第134至181小节
- 门德尔松《仲夏夜之梦》:第17至40小节,字母C至D
- 施特劳斯《唐璜》:第一页
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Mozart Symphony No. 35 “Haffner”, 1st movement: Beginning to m. 29
- Mozart Symphony No. 35 "Haffner", 4th movement: m. 134 to m. 181
- Mendelssohn A Midsummer Night's Dream: m. 17 to m. 40 and Letter [C] to [D]
- Strauss Don Juan: 1st page
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
All works except for sonatas and orchestral excerpts must be performed from memory.
1. 任选一首十八、二十或二十一世纪协奏曲的第一乐章及华彩。
The first movement and cadenza of an 18th, 20th or 21st century concerto
2. 任选一首十九世纪、二十世纪或二十一世纪独奏奏鸣曲或组曲的一个或多个乐章,时长8分钟以上
One or more movements of a solo sonata or suite from the 19th, 20th, or 21st centuries, totaling at least 8 minutes
3. 任选巴赫无伴奏大提琴组曲、无伴奏小提琴组曲或奏鸣曲的两个乐章
Two movements from J.S. Bach: Suites for unaccompanied cello, or sonatas and partitas for unaccompanied violin
- 莫扎特《第三十五号交响曲》“哈夫纳”,第一乐章:开始至第29小节
- 莫扎特《第三十五号交响曲》“哈夫纳”,第四乐章:第134至181小节
- 门德尔松《仲夏夜之梦》:第17至40小节,以及字母C至D
- 施特劳斯《唐璜》:第一页
- 贝多芬《第五交响曲》,第二乐章:第1至10小节,第49至59小节和第98至106小节
- 普罗科菲耶夫《第一交响曲》“古典”,第一乐章:开始至第46小节;第四乐章:第43至93小节
- 勃拉姆斯《海顿变奏曲》,第五、第七和第八变奏
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Mozart Symphony No. 35 "Haffner", 1st movement: Beginning to m. 29
- Mozart Symphony No. 35 "Haffner", 4th movement: m. 134 to m. 181
- Mendelssohn Midsummer Night's Dream: m. 17 to m. 40 and Letter [C] to [D]
- Strauss: Don Juan: 1st page
- Beethoven Symphony No. 5, 2nd movement: mm. 1-10 and mm. 49-59 and mm. 98-106
- Prokofiev Symphony No. 1 "Classical", 1st movement: Beginning to m. 46 and 4th movement: mm. 43-93
- Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Haydn: Nos. 5, 7 and 8
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
All works except for sonatas and orchestral excerpts must be performed from memory.
1. 任选一首标准协奏曲的第一乐章及华彩(如果选择埃尔加协奏曲,请演奏第一及第二乐章,或第四乐章。如果选择圣-桑协奏曲,请演奏整首协奏曲。)需要与钢琴合作
First movement of a standard concerto with cadenza (If you choose Elgar’s concerto, please submit the 1st and 2nd movements, or the 4th movement. If you choose Saint-Saëns’s concerto, please submit the whole concerto.), must be played with piano
2. 任选一首巴赫无伴奏大提琴组曲的一个乐章
One movement from an unaccompanied Bach Suite
One movement of a substantial sonata for cello and piano such as Beethoven’s Op. 69, 1st or 3rd movement, Brahms’s Op. 38, 1st or 3rd movement, Brahms’s Op. 99, 1st or 4th movement, Prokofiev’s Op. 119, 1st or 3rd movement; Strauss’s Op. 6, 1st or 3rd movement, must be played with piano
- 莫扎特《第三十五交响曲》,第四乐章:开始至第37小节,第134至181小节
- 贝多芬《第五交响曲》,第二乐章:开始至第10小节,第49至59小节,第98至106小节和第114至123小节
- 门德尔松《仲夏夜之梦》,谐谑曲:字母C至D,字母N至O
- 勃拉姆斯《第二交响曲》,第二乐章:开始至第15小节
- 德彪西《大海》:排练序号9的前两小节至排练序号9后的六小节(只演奏最高声部)
- 施特劳斯《英雄的生涯》:开始至排练序号5
Choose two of the following orchestral excerpts:
-Mozart: Symphony No.35, 4th movement: beginning to m.37 and mm. 134-181
-Beethoven: Symphony No.5, 2nd movement: beginning to m. 10 and mm. 49-59 and 98-106 and 114-123
-Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Scherzo: [C] to [D] and [N] to [O]
- Brahms: Symphony No.2, 2nd movement: beginning through m. 15
-Debussy: La Mer: No. 1 "De l'aube à midi sur la mer" Two measures before Rehearsal No. 9 to six measures after Rehearsal No. 9 (top line only)
-Strauss: Ein Heldenleben: beginning to five measures after Rehearsal No.5
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
All works except for sonatas and orchestral excerpts must be performed from memory.
1. 任选一首标准协奏曲的第一乐章及华彩(如果选择埃尔加协奏曲,请演奏第一与第二乐章,或第四乐章。如果选择圣-桑协奏曲,请演奏整首协奏曲。)
First movement of a standard concerto with cadenza (If you choose Elgar’s concerto, please play the 1st and 2nd movements, or the 4th movement. If you choose Saint-Saëns’s concerto, please play the whole concerto.)
2. 任选巴赫无伴奏大提琴组曲中的一首前奏曲和另外一个乐章
A Prelude and another movement of an unaccompanied Bach Suite
3. 任选一首抒情作品,例如圣-桑《天鹅》,福莱《梦醒时分》,肖邦《大提琴和钢琴奏鸣曲》第三乐章,德沃夏克《寂静的森林》或门德尔松《无词歌》
A lyrical piece, such as Saint-Saëns’s The Swan, Fauré’s Après un Rêve, 3rd movement of Chopin’s Sonata for Cello and Piano, Dvořák’s Silent Woods or Mendelssohn’s Songs without Words
4. 以下所有乐队片段:
- 莫扎特《第三十五号交响曲》,第四乐章:开始至第37小节,第134至181小节
- 贝多芬《第五交响曲》,第二乐章:开始至第10小节,第49至59小节,第98至106小节和第114至123小节
- 门德尔松《仲夏夜之梦》,谐谑曲:字母C至D,字母N至O
- 勃拉姆斯《第二交响曲》,第二乐章:开始至第15小节
- 德彪西《大海》:排练序号9前2小节至排练序号9后的六小节((只演奏最高声部)
- 施特劳斯《英雄的生涯》:开始至排练序号5后的五小节
All of the following orchestral excerpts:
- Mozart Symphony No.35, 4th movement: Beginning to m. 37 and mm. 134-181
- Beethoven Symphony No.5, 2nd movement: Beginning to m. 10 and mm. 49-59 and mm. 98-106 and mm. 114-123
- Mendelssohn Midsummer Night’s Dream Scherzo: [C] to [D] AND [N] to [O]
- Brahms Symphony No.2, 2nd movement: Beginning through m. 15
- Debussy La Mer: Two measures before Rehearsal No. 9 to six measures after Rehearsal No. 9 (top line only)
- Strauss Ein Heldenleben: Beginning to five measures after Rehearsal No. 5
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
All works except for sonatas and orchestral excerpts must be performed from memory.
1. 任选一首标准低音提琴协奏曲的第一乐章及华彩(如带有华彩)。不需要与钢琴合作
The 1st movement of a standard double bass concerto with cadenza, if applicable, must be played without piano
2. 以下乐队片段:
- 莫扎特《第四十号交响曲》,第一乐章:第114至138小节
- 贝多芬《第五交响曲》,第三乐章(谐谑曲和三声中部):开始至第100小节
The two following orchestral excerpts:
- Mozart: Symphony No. 40, 1st movement: mm. 114-138
- Beethoven Symphony No. 5, 3rd movement (Scherzo and Trio): Beginning to m. 100
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
All works except for sonatas and orchestral excerpts must be performed from memory.
1. 任选一首标准低音提琴协奏曲的第一乐章及华彩(如带有华彩)
The 1st movement of a standard double bass concerto with cadenza if applicable
2. 任选一首巴赫无伴奏大提琴组曲的一个乐章,或汉斯·福瑞巴《古老风格的低音提琴无伴奏组曲》的一个乐章
One movement from an unaccompanied Bach Cello Suite, or one movement from Hans Fryba Suite in the Olden Style for Double Bass
3. 以下乐队片段:
- 莫扎特《第四十号交响曲》,第一乐章:第114至138小节,第191至225小节
- 贝多芬《第五交响曲》,第三乐章:开始至第100小节,第140至218小节
- 勃拉姆斯《第二交响曲》,第一乐章:第118至156小节
All of the following orchestral excerpts:
- Mozart Symphony No. 40, 1st movement: mm. 114-138 and mm. 191-225
- Beethoven Symphony No. 5, 3rd movement: Beginning to m. 100 and mm. 140-218
- Brahms Symphony No. 2, 1st movement: mm. 118-156
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
All works except for orchestral excerpts must be performed from memory.
1. C. P. E 巴赫:G大调奏鸣曲第二乐章(快板), 作品号139
C. P. E. Bach: Sonate in G Major WOTQ 139 (2nd movement Allegro only)
2. 一首大型作品,例如福雷《即兴曲》作品号86,萨尔塞多《古乐风格主题变奏曲》A large work, such as Impromptu Op. 86 by Gabriel Fauré or Variations on a Theme in ancient style by Carlos Salzedo
3. 以下乐队片段:
- 拉威尔《茨冈》:华彩
- 柏辽兹《幻想交响曲》,第二乐章“舞会”:第一竖琴部分,开始至排练序号29
The following excerpts:
- Ravel: Cadenza from Tzigane
- Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique 2nd movement:“Un Bal”. 1st Harp part, beginning to Reh 29
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
All works except for orchestral excerpts must be performed from memory.
1. C. P. E 巴赫《G大调奏鸣曲》:第二乐章快板, 作品号139
C. P. E. Bach: Sonate in G Major WOTQ 139 (2nd movement Allegro only)
2. 一首大型作品,例如福雷《即兴曲》作品号 86,萨尔塞多《古乐风格主题变奏曲》
A large work such as Impromptu Opus 86 by Gabriel Fauré or Variations on a Theme in ancient style by Carlos Salzedo
3. 一首20世纪奏鸣曲,例如欣德米特、塔耶弗尔
A 20th century Sonata such as the Paul Hindemith or Germaine Tailleferre harp sonatas
4. 德彪西《神圣之舞与世俗之舞》,强烈建议与钢琴合作
Debussy : Danses Sacrée et Profane. Strongly preferred to be played with piano
5. 以下乐队片段:
- 拉威尔《茨冈》:华彩
- 柏辽兹《幻想交响曲》,第二乐章“舞会”:第一竖琴部分,开始至排练序号29
- 布里顿《青少年管弦乐指南》:第一变奏 (竖琴华彩)
- 布鲁赫《苏格兰幻想曲》:
The following orchestra excerpts:
-Ravel: Cadenza from Tzigane
-Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique 2nd movement “Un Bal”. 1st Harp part, beginning to Reh 29
-Britten: The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, Variation I (harp cadenza)
-Bruch : Scottish Fantasy
a. 3rd movement 4mm after [B] to downbeat of [C]
b. 4th movement, beginning to downbeat of [D]
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
1. 任选巴赫奏鸣曲或组曲中两个不同风格的乐章(可独奏或带伴奏,可原版或改编版)
Two contrasting movements of an unaccompanied Sonata, Partita or Suite by J. S. Bach (may be original or a transcription), or from the Solo Sonata in A minor by C. P. E. Bach
2. 莫扎特任意一首长笛协奏曲第一乐章及华彩,需要背谱演奏,需要与钢琴合作
The first movement of one of the Mozart concerti (with cadenza). Must be performed from memory, must be played with piano
- 卡格-埃勒特《热情奏鸣曲》
- 卡格-埃勒特《恰空》
- 博扎《印象》
- 欣德米特《八首长笛独奏曲》
- 伊贝尔《小品》
- 杜布瓦《咒语与舞蹈》
- 利帕蒂《引子与快板》
- 多赫南伊《帕萨卡利亚》
- 任选一首练习曲或随想曲(至少两页长度)
One of the following solo works:
- Karg-Elert Sonata Appassionata
- Karg-Elert Chaconne
- Bozza Image
- Hindemith Eight Pieces
- Ibert Pièce
- Dubois Incantation and Danse
- Lipatti Introduction and Allegro
- Dohnányi Passacaglia
- A virtuoso etude or capriccio (at least two pages in length) of the applicant’s choice
4. 以下乐队片段:
- 巴赫《B小调弥撒》, Domine Deus:开始至第20小节
- 贝多芬《第三交响曲》(英雄),最后一个乐章:172至200小节
- 拉威尔《波莱罗》:开始至排练序号1
The following orchestral excerpts:
-Bach: Mass in B minor, Domine Deus, beginning to measure No. 20
-Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 “Eroica”, last movement, mm. 172–200.
-Ravel: Boléro, beginning to Rehearsal No. 1
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
Note: At least one work from group 1, 2, or 3 must be performed from memory.
1. 任选以下巴赫奏鸣曲中两个对比性乐章:
- 《E小调奏鸣曲 》,BWV 1034
- 《E大调奏鸣曲》,BWV 1035
- 《A大调奏鸣曲》,BWV 1032
Two contrasting movements from one of the following works by J. S. Bach:
E Minor Sonata BWV 1034; E Major Sonata BWV 1035; A Major Sonata BWV 1032
2. 莫扎特任意一首长笛协奏曲中的一个慢乐章和一个快乐章,包括华彩
One slow and one fast movement from a concerto by Mozart (with cadenzas)
- 多普勒《瓦拉格咏叹调幻想曲》
- 莱内克《长笛》协奏曲第一乐章,或第二及第三乐章
- 卡格-埃勒《交响之歌》
- 伊贝尔《长笛协奏曲》第三乐章
- 杜蒂耶《小奏鸣曲》
- 卡塞拉《西西里舞曲》
- 马丁《叙事曲》
One of the following solo works:
-Doppler: Airs valaques
-Reinecke: Concerto 1st mov, or 2nd & 3rd mov
-Karg-Elert: Sinfonische Kanzone
-Ibert: Concerto 3rd mov
-Dutilleux: Sonatine
-Casella: Sicilienne & Burlesque
-Martin: Ballad
-Jolivet: Chant de Linos
Note: You can consult with our faculty through Office of Admissions about choosing a piece of similar difficulty but not included in this list.
4. 任选一首二战后的现代无伴奏曲目,请尽量选择先锋派以及包含现代演奏技巧的曲目
A contemporary solo work composed after World War II (avant-garde style and extended technique is preferable)
5. 任选三个以下的乐队片段:
- 巴赫《马太受难曲》,“我的救世主为爱而受死”:开始至1第3小节
- 贝多芬《莱奥诺拉序曲第三号》,作品72:第1至36小节,第328至360小节
- 勃拉姆斯《第四交响曲》,第四乐章:第93至105小节
- 德沃夏克《第八交响曲》,第四乐章:字母D至E
- 普罗科菲耶夫《彼得与狼》,“小鸟”
- 拉威尔《达芙妮与克罗埃》,第二组曲(独奏部分)
- 门德尔松《仲夏夜之梦》,谐谑曲(独奏部分)
- 德彪西《牧神午后》:排练序号1至3
Choose three of the following orchestral excerpts:
- Bach “Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben” from Passion: Beginning to m. 13
- Beethoven Leonore Overture No. 3, Op. 72: mm. 1-36 and mm. 328-360
- Brahms Symphony No. 4, 4th movement: mm. 93-105
- Dvořák Symphony No. 8, 4th movement: [D] to [E]
- Prokofiev Peter and the Wolf, “The Bird“
- Ravel Daphnis et Chloé, Suite No. 2 (solo only)
- Mendelssohn A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Scherzo (solo only)
- Debussy L’après-midi d'un faune: Rehearsal Nos. 1-3
6. 申请者将会被要求视奏现场提供的曲目
Applicants will be asked to sight read material provided at the audition.
Applicants will complete the live audition with a piano accompanist from The Tianjin Juilliard School.
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
Oboe repertoire does not need to be performed from memory.
1. 莫扎特协奏曲的第一乐章及华彩,需要与钢琴合作
Mozart Concerto 1st movement (with cadenza),must be played with piano
2. 任选《菲林48首练习曲,作品31》中的两首,一慢一快
One slow and one fast etude from Ferling opus 31
3. 以下乐队片段:
- 巴赫《第140号康塔塔》,第六首咏叹调:女高音和女低音二重唱“我的朋友属于我”:第1至8小节
- 罗西尼《软梯》:排练序号2(带起拍)至排练序号3(正拍)(申请者可自行决定连吐音)
- 肖斯塔科维奇《第一交响曲》,第三乐章:开始至第16小节
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Bach Cantata No.140, aria No. 6: soprano-bass duet, "Mein Freund ist mein!" (My friend is mine!): 1st eight measures
- Rossini La Scala di Seta: Pickup to Rehearsal [2] to the downbeat of Rehearsal [3] (articulations are at the discretion of the performer)
- Shostakovich Symphony No. 1, 3rd movement: Beginning to m. 16
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
Oboe repertoire does not need to be performed from memory.
1. 莫扎特协奏曲第一和第二乐章,及华彩
Mozart Concerto 1st and 2nd movements (with cadenzas)
2. 任选一首不短于6分钟的十九或二十世纪曲目
A 19th or 20th century work of at least 6 minutes
3. 任选《菲林48首练习曲》,作品31中的两首,一慢一快
One slow and one fast etude from Ferling opus 31
4. 以下乐队片段:
- 贝多芬《第三交响曲》,第二乐章:从开头的独奏到第56小节,以及第三乐章:第7到28小节。
- 罗西尼《软梯》:排练序号2(带起拍)至排练序号3(正拍)
- 肖斯塔科维奇《第一交响曲》,第三乐章:开始至第16小节
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Beethoven: Symphony No.3, 2nd movement: beginning solo to mm 56 & 3rd movement: mm 7-28
- Rossini La Scala di Seta: Pickup to Rehearsal [2] to the downbeat of Rehearsal [3]
- Shostakovich Symphony No. 1, 3rd movement: Beginning to m. 16
Applicants will complete the live audition with a piano accompanist from The Tianjin Juilliard School.
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
Only the concerto needs to be performed from memory.
1. 莫扎特《单簧管协奏曲》,作品622,第一乐章:第53至154小节;第二乐章:第1至59小节,需要与钢琴合作
Mozart Concerto K. 622, 1st movement: mm. 53-154 and 2nd movement: mm. 1-59, must be played with piano
2. 任选一首快速练习曲,以展现申请者的技术水平
A fast etude demonstrating the applicant’s technique
3. 以下乐队片段:
- 贝多芬《第六交响曲》,第一乐章:第474至492小节;第二乐章:第68至77小节
- 门德尔松《仲夏夜之梦》,谐谑曲:第1至48小节
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Beethoven Symphony No. 6, 1st movement: mm. 474-492 and 2nd movement: mm. 68-77
- Mendelssohn A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Scherzo: mm. 1-48
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
Only the concerto needs to be performed from memory.
1. 任选一首标准协奏曲
A complete standard concerto
2. 任选一首独奏的曲目,需要与协奏曲风格不同
A major solo work of the applicant’s choice. This work should be in contrasting style from the concerto.
3. 任选一首1900年后创作的无伴奏曲目
An unaccompanied work composed after 1900.
4. 以下乐队片段:
- 贝多芬《第六交响曲》,第一乐章:第474至492小节;第二乐章:第68至77小节
- 门德尔松《仲夏夜之梦》,谐谑曲:第1至48小节
- 勃拉姆斯《第三交响曲》,第一乐章:第36至46小节;第二乐章:第1至22小节
- 里姆斯基-科萨科夫《西班牙随想曲》,第一乐章:字母A至B,字母C至结束;第三乐章:字母K后的十一小节至结束
- 雷斯皮基《罗马松树》,第三乐章:排练序号13(带起拍)至排练序号14前的四小节
- 肖斯塔科维奇《第九交响曲》,第二乐章:第1至32小节;第三乐章:第1至17小节
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Beethoven Symphony No. 6, 1st movement: mm. 474-492 and 2nd movement: mm. 68-77
- Mendelssohn A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Scherzo: mm. 1-48
- Brahms Symphony No. 3, 1st movement: mm. 36-46 and 2nd movement: mm. 1-22
- Rimsky-Korsakov Capriccio Espagnol, 1st movement: A to B and C to the end, and 3rd movement: eleven measures after K to the end
- Respighi Pines of Rome, 3rd movement: pickup to Rehearsal 13 until four measures before Rehearsal 14
- Shostakovich Symphony No. 9, 2nd movement: mm. 1-32 and 3rd movement: mm. 1-17
Applicants will complete the live audition with a piano accompanist from The Tianjin Juilliard School.
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
Bassoon repertoire does not need to be performed from memory.
1. 莫扎特《大管协奏曲》,第一, 二 和三乐章及华彩,需要与钢琴合作
Mozart Bassoon Concerto, 1st, 2nd and 3rd movements (with cadenzas), played with piano
2. 以下乐队片段:
- 斯特拉文斯基《春之祭》,开场独奏:第1小节至排练序号3第三小节,排练序号12至13
- 拉威尔《波莱罗》,独奏:排练序号2至3
- 里姆斯基-科萨科夫《天方夜谭》,第二乐章独奏及华彩:第5小节至字母A,排练序号L第二小节至排练序号M
- 柴可夫斯基《第四交响曲》,第二乐章独奏:第274小节至乐章结束
- 莫扎特《费加罗的婚礼》,序曲:第139至171小节
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Stravinsky Rite of Spring, opening solos: m. 1 until the third bar of Rehearsal 3; and Rehearsal 12 until Rehearsal 13
- Ravel Boléro, solo: Rehearsal 2 until Rehearsal 3
- Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade, 2nd movement solo and cadenzas: m. 5 until Rehearsal [A] and the second bar of Rehearsal [L] until Rehearsal [M]
- Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4, 2nd movement solo: m. 274 to the end of the movement
- Mozart Le Nozze di Figaro, Overture: mm. 139-171
-Smetana: Verkaufte Braut Overture: mm1-8; mm 98-111; mm168-176.
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
Bassoon repertoire does not need to be performed from memory.
1. 莫扎特《大管协奏曲》,第一, 二 和三乐章及华彩
Mozart Bassoon Concerto, 1st, 2nd and 3rd movements (with cadenzas)
2. 自选一首十九或二十世纪曲目,节选5-20分钟
A 19th or 20th century work of the applicant’s choice (duration 5 to 20 minutes)
3. 以下乐队片段:
- 斯特拉文斯基《春之祭》,开场独奏:第1小节至排练序号3第三小节,排练序号12至13
- 拉威尔《波莱罗》,独奏:排练序号2至3
- 里姆斯基-科萨科夫《天方夜谭》,第二乐章独奏及华彩:第5小节至字母A,排练序号L第二小节至排练序号M
- 柴可夫斯基《第四交响曲》,第二乐章独奏:第274小节至乐章结束
- 莫扎特《费加罗的婚礼》,序曲:第139至171小节
- 斯美塔那《韦卡夫特布劳特》序曲:第1-8小节,第98-111小节和第168-176小节。
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Stravinsky Rite of Spring, opening solos: m. 1 until the third bar of Rehearsal 3; and Rehearsal 12 until Rehearsal 13
- Ravel Boléro, solo: Rehearsal 2 until Rehearsal 3
- Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade, 2nd movement solo and cadenzas: m. 5 until Rehearsal [A] and the second bar of Rehearsal [L] until Rehearsal [M]
- Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4, 2nd movement solo: m. 274 to the end of the movement
- Mozart Le Nozze di Figaro, Overture: mm. 139-171
-Smetana: Verkaufte Braut Overture: mm1-8; mm 98-111; mm168-176.
Applicants will complete the live audition with a piano accompanist from The Tianjin Juilliard School.
A pre-formed group is eligible to apply for the Quintet Fellowship. In addition to meeting the quintet-specific requirements outlined below, applicants for the Quintet Fellowship must also fulfill all individual instrumental audition requirements, including both prescreening and final auditions. Please ensure compliance with all detailed requirements for each relevant instrument as listed above.
预筛选曲目要求|Pre-screening Audition Requirements
One movement from a standard Woodwind quintet work
One representative work from the classical period.
Group interview talking about your experience together and group goals
*All requirements must be recorded in one unedited take. Movements may be recorded independently
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
Nelson Woodwind Quintet
Jacques Ibert - Trios Pieces breves
A chosen work later than 1950
*The final audition will also include a live interview with faculty and applicants
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
Trumpet repertoire does not need to be performed from memory.
1. 任选一首独奏曲目,标准协奏曲或奏鸣曲的一个乐章,例如彪姆、海顿、胡梅尔、托马西协奏曲,勃兰特协奏曲第一或第二等。如要演奏海顿或胡梅尔协奏曲,请勿选择第一乐章。建议与钢琴合作
A solo work or movement of major concerto/sonata of the applicant's choice (for example, Böhme/Haydn/Hummel/Tomasi concerti, Brandt Concertpiece No. 1 or 2, etc.) For Haydn or Hummel concerto, exclude 1st movement. May be played with or without piano
2. 以下乐队片段:
- 穆索尔斯基/拉威尔《图画展览会》,“漫步”:开始至排练序号2
- 马勒《第五交响曲》第一乐章:开始至24小节
- 拉威尔《G大调钢琴协奏曲》,第一乐章:排练序号2至3,排练序号34至乐章结束
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Mussorgsky/Ravel Pictures at an Exhibition, Promenade: beginning to Rehearsal 2
- Mahler Symphony No. 5,First movement: beginning to m. 24
- Ravel Piano Concerto in G, 1st movement: Rehearsal number 2-3 and Rehearsal number 34 to the end of the movement
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
Trumpet repertoire does not need to be performed from memory. All live audition repertoire will be performed without piano accompaniment.
1. 海顿协奏曲,第一乐章(不包括华彩),或胡梅尔协奏曲,第一乐章
Haydn Concerto, 1st movement (no cadenza), or Hummel Concerto, 1st movement
2. 沙利耶练习曲第二号
Charlier Etude No.2 (Du Style)
3. 以下乐队片段:
- 巴托克《乐队协奏曲》,第二乐章:第90至147小节
- 多尼采蒂《唐·帕斯夸莱》,第二幕前奏曲,第5小节至排练序号1之后4小节的独奏部分
- 亨德尔《弥赛亚》,“号角即将吹响”,前28小节
- 马勒《第五交响曲》:开始至第24小节
- 斯特拉文斯基《彼得鲁什卡》(1947年版),“芭蕾舞娘之舞”:排练序号134至139;“华尔兹”:排练序号140至151
- 里姆斯基-科萨科夫《天方夜谭》,第四组曲“巴格达节日”:排练序号C前的一小节至排练序号D,排练序号T至U
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Bartók Concerto for Orchestra, 2nd movement: mm. 90-147
- Donizetti Don Pasquale, Act 2 Prelude, solo starting bar 5 until 4 bars after number 1
- Handel Messiah, “The Trumpet Shall Sound”, first 28 bars
- Mahler Symphony No. 5: Beginning to m. 24
- Stravinsky Petrushka (1947 version), “Ballerina's Dance” (Rehearsal 134-139) and Waltz (Rehearsal 140-151)
- Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade, Ⅳ. “Festival at Baghdad”: one before Rehearsal [C] to Rehearsal [D] and Rehearsal [T] to [U]
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
Horn repertoire does not need to be performed from memory. All concertos may be played with or without piano
Choose one of the following:
-Mozart: Concerto No. 2 1st and 2nd movement
-Mozart: Concerto No. 4 1st movement (with or without cadenza)
2. 以下协奏曲中选择其中一首:
-理查 斯特劳斯《圆号第一协奏曲》
-理查 斯特劳斯《圆号第二协奏曲》第一乐章
Choose one of the following:
-Richard Strauss: Concerto No. 1 1st movement
-Richard Strauss: Concerto No. 2 1st movement
-R. Glière: concerto 1st movement (with or without cadenza)
-Jacob: concerto for Horn and Strings 1st movement
-理查 斯特劳斯,第一圆号部分,《恶作剧》第6小节到第20小节
-布拉姆斯《钢琴第二协奏曲》,第一圆号部分,第一乐章第1小节到第6小节。第三圆号第一乐章 第188小节到198小节
The following excerpts:
-Brahms: Sym. No. 3. 3rd movement 1st Horn in C. one measure before Rehearsal [F] until m. 110
-Richard Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel 1st Horn in F opening solo: m. 6 through m. 20
-Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2. 1st Horn 1st movement opening m. 1 through m. 6.
3rd Horn. 1st movement. m.188 until 198.
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
Horn repertoire does not need to be performed from memory. All concertos may be played with or without piano
Mozart: No. 4. 1st movement exposition only
2. 理查 斯特劳斯《圆号第一协奏曲》第一乐章呈示部
R.Strauss: No. 1. 1st movement exposition only
- J. S. 巴赫《b小调弥撒曲》第1小节到第53小节
-安东 布鲁克纳《第四交响乐》第一乐章第一圆号,第3小节到第52小节
-瓦格纳 《罗恩格林》第三幕圆号齐奏第16小节到第48小节
-瓦格纳 《齐格佛里德》 第一幕第一圆号(简短独奏部分)37小节到第55小节(如果选择演奏附加片段一,就不需要演奏这首)
The following excerpts:
-Brahms: Sym. 2. 2nd movement 1st Horn in H. m. 17 until m. 31
-J. S. Bach: Mass in b minor Horn in D. opening to the end. (m. 1 to m. 53)
-Beethoven: Sym. No. 8. 3rd movement 2nd Horn in F m. pick up to 45 through m. 78
-Beethoven: Sym. 7, 1st movement 2nd Horn in A: m. 89 until m. 106
-Beethoven: Sym. 9, 3rd movement 4th Horn pick up to m. 83 until m. 98
-Anton Bruckner: Sym. No. 4, 1st movement 1st Horn m. 3 until m. 52
-César Franck: Sym. in d minor 2nd movement 1st Horn in F, m. 32 until 49
-Mahler: Sym. 9, 1st movement 1st Horn in F. pick up to m.382 until m. 391
-Tchaikovsky: Sym. 5, 2nd movement 1st Horn in F. m. 8 until 28
-Wagner: Lohengrin 3rd Act Horn (1-4) in D. m.16 until 48
-Wagner: Götterdämmerung, 1st Horn in F: Siegfried’s Act 1 Short Call, m. 37 through the downbeat of m. 55. (No need to play this one if you choose to play optional excerpt No.1)
1.瓦格纳 齐格佛里德第二幕 独奏部分(最长的部分,共54小节)
2.理查 斯特劳斯《英雄生涯》第一圆号第1小节到第17小节
Optional extra excerpts (subject to applicant’s own choice):
Richard Wagner: Siegfried 2nd Act, 1st Horn long call
Richard Strauss: Ein Heldenleben, 1st Horn in F. m. 1 until m. 17
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
Tenor trombone repertoire does not need to be performed from memory.
1. 大卫《长号小协奏曲》作品4,第一乐章,建议与钢琴合作
David Concertino, Op. 4, 1st movement. May be played with or without piano
One Etude from Melodious Etudes Book 1 by Joannes Rochut
3. 以下乐队片段:
- 莫扎特《安魂曲》,“审判经”,第二长号独奏
- 拉威尔《波莱罗》,第一长号:排练序号10的第二小节至排练序号11
- 罗西尼《贼鹊》(长号独奏版本):第115至135小节,第275至291小节和第432至442小节
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Mozart Requiem, “Tuba mirum”, 2nd trombone solo
- Ravel Boléro, 1st Trombone: 2nd measure of Rehearsal [10] to Rehearsal [11]
- Rossini La Gazza Ladra (one trombone version): mm. 115-135 AND mm. 275-291 AND mm. 432-442
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
Trombone repertoire does not need to be performed from memory. All live audition repertoire will be performed without piano accompaniment.
1. 欣德米特《长号和钢琴奏鸣曲》全曲,或另一首二十、二十一世纪曲目全曲
Hindemith Sonata for trombone and piano (complete) or another complete work from the 20th or 21st centuries.
2. 以下乐队片段选一:
- 大卫《长号小协奏曲》,作品4,第一乐章
- 阿尔布雷希茨贝格《长号协奏曲》全曲
Choose one of the following:
- David Concertino, Op. 4, 1st movement
- Albrechtsberger Concerto, complete
3. 以下乐队片段:
- 莫扎特《安魂曲》,“审判经”,第二长号独奏
- 拉威尔《波莱罗》,第一长号:排练序号10的第二小节至排练序号11
- 罗西尼《鹊贼》(长号版本):第115至135小节,第275至291小节和第432至442小节
- 圣-桑《第三交响曲》,第一长号:排练序号Q至R
- 巴托克《神奇的满大人》,第二长号:排练序号71至排练序号74后的一小节
- 欣德米特《交响变奏曲》,第一长号:“图兰朵”排练序号H至J;“进行曲”排练序号G至结束
The following orchestral excerpts:
- Mozart Requiem, “Tuba mirum”, 2nd trombone solo
- Ravel Boléro, 1st Trombone: 2nd measure of Rehearsal [10] to Rehearsal [11]
- Rossini La Gazza Ladra (one trombone version), mm. 115-135 AND mm. 275-291 AND mm. 432-442
- Saint-Saëns Symphony No. 3, 1st trombone: Rehearsal [Q] to Rehearsal [R]
- Bartók Miraculous Mandarin, 2nd trombone, Rehearsal [71] until one measure after Rehearsal [74]
- Hindemith Symphonic Metamorphoses, 1st trombone, “Turandot" Rehearsal [H] to Rehearsal [J] and “Marsch" Rehearsal [G] to the end
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
There are no pre-screening requirements for bass trombone.
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
Bass trombone repertoire does not need to be performed from memory. All live audition repertoire will be performed without piano accompaniment.
Lebedev: Concerto in One Movement
One major solo work of the applicant’s choice
J.S. Bach: Suite No. 5 for unaccompanied cello, Sarabande
- 瓦格纳《莱茵的黄金》,第四幕:最后15小节
- 瓦格纳《女武神之骑》
- 海顿《创世纪》: 排练序号26至排练序号C
- 柏辽兹《匈牙利进行曲》:排练序号4前的六小节,至排练序号5前的两小节
- 施特劳斯《贵人迷组曲》:
1. 第三乐章:开始至排练序号38
2.第四乐章:排练序号. 46至排练序号52后的五小节
3. 第四乐章:排练序号72至排练序号75
- 柯达伊《哈里·亚诺什组曲》,第四乐章
1. 开始至排练序号1后的七小节
2. 排练序号6前的Poco meno mosso至延音部分
- 舒曼《第三交响曲》,第四乐章:第1小节至18小节
All of the following orchestral excerpts:
- Wagner: Das Rheingold, Scene 4: last 15 measures
- Wagner: The Ride of the Walküre
- Haydn: The Creation, Rehearsal [26] to [C]
- Berlioz: Hungarian March, 6 mm. before Rehearsal [4] to 2 mm. after Rehearsal [5]
- Strauss: La Bourgeois Gentilhomme
1. 3rd movement: beginning to Rehearsal [38]
2. 4th movement: Rehearsal [46] to 5 mm. after Rehearsal [52]
3. 4th movement: Rehearsal [72] to Rehearsal [75]
- Kodaly: Hary Janos, 4th movement
1.Beginning to 7 mm. after Rehearsal [1]
2.Poco meno mosso before Rehearsal [6] to fermata
- Schumann: Symphony No. 3, 4th movement: mm. 1- 18
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
1.沃恩威廉斯:《低音大号协奏曲》,第一乐章, 开始至排练序号11
Ralph Vaughan Williams: Concerto for Bass Tuba, Movement 1: Beginning to Reh. 11
Hector Berlioz: Hungarian March, Reh. 20 to 3rd measure of Reh. 21
3. 瓦格纳:《纽伦堡的名歌手》,排练序号J至L
Richard Wagner: Prelude to Die Meistersinger, Reh. J to Reh. L
4.雷史碧基:《罗马之泉》,“特雷维喷泉”: 预起拍排练序号11至排练序号14的第一拍
Respighi: Fontane di Roma, La Fontana di Trevi: pickup to Reh. 11 to downbeat Reh. 14
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
1. 沃恩威廉斯:大号协奏曲,第一和第二乐章
Vaughan Williams: Concerto for Tuba, 1st and 2nd movements only
A complete solo work for tuba of the candidate's choice
-柏辽兹:《浮士德得天谴》, “匈牙利进行曲” ,排练序号4至排练序号5之后两小节
-斯特拉文斯基: 《彼得洛希卡》,“农夫和熊”,排练序号188-192
All of the following orchestral excerpts:
-Berlioz: Hungarian March from The Damnation of Faust, rehearsal 4 through the second bar of rehearsal 5
-Stravinsky: Petrouchka (1947) Peasant with Bear, rehearsal 188-192
-Mahler: Symphony No. 1, 3rd movement, four bars before rehearsal 3 to 4
-Wagner: Prelude to Die Meistersinger, rehearsal J to L
-Prokofiev: Symphony No. 5, 1st movement, rehearsal 3 to 6
-Gershwin: An American in Paris, rehearsal 67 to 68
Tuba repertoire does not need to be performed from memory. All final audition repertoire will be performed without piano accompaniment.
A pre-formed group is eligible to apply for the Quintet Fellowship. In addition to meeting the quintet-specific requirements outlined below, applicants for the Quintet Fellowship must also fulfill all individual instrumental audition requirements, including both prescreening and final auditions. Please ensure compliance with all detailed requirements for each relevant instrument as listed above.
预筛选曲目要求|Pre-screening Audition Requirements
One movement from a standard brass quintet work
2. 一首具有代表性的文艺复兴时期(16-17世纪)的作品
One representative work from the Renaissance period (16-17th C.)
3. 重奏组讨论一起合作的经历和目标
Group interview talking about your experience together and group goals
*All requirements must be recorded in one unedited take. Movements may be recorded independently
最终面试曲目要求|Final Audition Requirements
1. 维克多·埃瓦尔德 - 铜管五重奏第1号,作品5(仅第1乐章)
Brass Quintet No. 1, Op. 5 - Victor Ewald (1st mvt. ONLY)
2. 自选一首1950年至今的作品
One chosen work from 1950-present
3. 维托尔德·卢托斯瓦夫斯基 《小序曲》
Mini Overture - Witold Lutoslawski
4. 一首具有代表性的文艺复兴时期(16-17世纪)的作品
One representative work from the Renaissance period (16th-17th C.)
*The final audition will also include a live interview with faculty and applicants
预筛选曲目要求 | Pre-Screening Requirements
Note: Percussion repertoire does not need to be performed from memory.
木槌打击乐 | Mallets:
1. 单槌:任选巴赫无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲与组曲或独奏大提琴组曲中的一个乐章,不用反复
Two mallets - any 2 mallet movement from J.S. Bach Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin or Suites for solo cello – no repeats.
2. 双槌:任选一首曲目,节选3-4分钟
Four mallets – 3-4 minute excerpt from a work of your choice
军鼓 | Snare Drum:
1. 长滚奏 ♩=80
Long Roll ♩=80.
2. 德里克鲁斯:《12首小鼓练习曲》,第一首:开始至第46小节(正拍) ♩. = 76
Delecluse – Etude No. 1 from 12 Etudes pour caisse claire. Beginning to downbeat of m. 46 ♩. = 76.
3. 自选基本功练习(独奏或练习曲)曲目,例如普拉特、汤姆肯或维尔考克
Rudimental solo or etude of your choice: (e.g. Pratt, Tompkins or
定音鼓 | Timpani:
1. 长滚奏 ♩=80
Long Roll ♩=80.
2. 自选基本功练习(独奏或练习曲)曲目,例如古德曼、弗思、德里克鲁斯、霍克海默或伍德
Solo or etude (e.g. Goodman, Firth, Delecluse, Hochrainer or Woud)
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
Note: Percussion repertoire does not need to be performed from memory.
木槌 | Mallets:
1. 单槌:任选一首曲目
Two-mallet work of your choice
2. 双槌:任选一首曲目
Four-mallet work of your choice
3. 4首标准乐队曲目(高音木琴/小铁琴)
4 standard orchestral excerpts (Xylophone & Glockenspiel)
4. 熟悉所有大调和小调的音阶和琶音
Knowledge of all major and minor scales and arpeggios
5. 视奏
Sight reading
军鼓 | Snare Drum:
1. 自选独奏或音乐会练习曲,例如德里克鲁斯、彼得、Cirone及Macarez等同等难度作品
Solo or concert etude of your choice (e.g. Delecluse, Peters, Cirone, Macarez or equivalent)
2. 自选基本功练习(独奏或练习曲)曲目,例如普拉特、汤姆肯,马科维奇,维尔考克森等同等难度作品
Rudimental solo or etude of your choice (e.g. Pratt, Tompkins, Markovich, Wilcoxon or equivalent)
3. 3首标准乐队片段
3 standard orchestral excerpts
4. 长滚奏(与预筛选相同)
Long roll (same as in pre-screening)
5. 视奏
Sight reading
定音鼓 | Timpani:
1. 自选独奏或练习曲,例如古德曼、弗思、霍克海默、伍德、德里克鲁斯等同等难度作品
Solo or etude of your choice (e.g. Goodman, Firth, Hochrainer, Woud, Delecluse or equivalent)
2. 3首标准乐队片段
3 standard orchestral excerpts
3. 视奏
Sight reading
*The live audition and the prescreening repertoire may overlap, as long as both programs adhere to the guidelines.