- 演奏视频须确实由你本人演奏。
- 你需要以视频的形式上传你的文件。我们接受的视频文件格式包括: .avi, .flv, .m1v, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .webm, .wmv。
- 每一乐章或选段均须以单个电子文件的形式分别上传。
- 请用英文命名你上传的每个文件,文件名应包含作曲家名字及作品/乐章名称。
- 不得对演奏录音进行编辑,也不得添加“混响”效果。
- 请在上传之前再次检查演奏视频,确保其质量代表了你目前的最高水平。
- 请在截止日期之前将你的演奏视频上传至申请页面(截止日期为美国东部时间2024年12月15日 )。
- 若参加现场面试,可于下方查看现场面试日期及地点安排;
- 所有参加现场面试的申请人将与由天津茱莉亚学院安排的演奏家们合作演奏。
最终面试地点 | 日期 |
纽约 茱莉亚学院 | 2025年1月26日 |
天津 天津茱莉亚学院 | 2025年2月23日&2月24日 2025年3月2日&3月3日 |
器乐方向 | Instrumental Focus
预筛选曲目要求I Pre-Screening Audition Requirements
1. 从以下选项中选择一个:
2. 有代表性并风格不同的小提琴或大提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲的第一乐章。
3. 申请者自选有代表性的独奏作品。所有独奏钢琴作品必须背谱演奏。
Pre-Screening Audition Requirements
1. Choose one of the following:
- The first movement of a substantial sonata for violin and piano by Mozart.
- The first movement of a substantial sonata for violin or cello and piano by Beethoven.
2. The first movement of a substantial sonata of a contrasting style for violin or cello and piano.
3. A substantial solo piece of the applicant’s choice. All solo piano works must be performed from memory.
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
1. 从以下选项中选择一个:
-莫扎特:降B大调小提琴奏鸣曲,K. 454。第一乐章和第二乐章
2. 从以下奏鸣曲中选择一项:
3. 从以下选项中选择一个:
-莫扎特:A大调小提琴协奏曲,KV 219。第一乐章
4. 从以下独奏曲目中选择一项。必须背谱演奏。
-J.S.巴赫(J.S. Bach)的《平均律钢琴曲集》中的一首前奏曲与赋格曲。
5. 现场面试时将从器乐及声乐曲目里选择视谱演奏片段。
Final Audition Requirements
The following repertoire requirements have been adjusted compared to last year. Be sure to review the changes. Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Note that BOTH Sonata selections MUST be different from the pre-screening round.
1. Choose one of the following:
- BEETHOVEN: Violin Sonata in E Flat Major, Op. 12, No. 3. First movement and second movement
- MOZART: Violin Sonata in B-flat major, K. 454. First movement and second movement
2. Choose one of the following sonatas:
- FRANCK: Violin Sonata in A. Fourth movement
- BRAHMS: Violin Sonata in G Major, Op. 78. First movement and second movement
- PROKOFIEV: Violin Sonata in D Major, Op. 94a. First movement and second movement
3. Choose one of the following.
- MENDELSSOHN: Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op.64. First movement
- MOZART: Violin Concerto in A Major, KV 219. First movement
4. Choose one of the following solo selections. Must be performed from memory.
- One prelude and fugue by J.S. Bach from The Well-Tempered Clavier.
- One solo piano piece of the applicant’s choice written in the 19th or 20th century.
5. Sight-reading selections from instrumental literature.
The candidate is required to perform with the violinist provided by Tianjin Juilliard. The candidate will be responsible for coordinating rehearsal time directly with the audition partners.
In addition to the requirements listed above, a personal interview of the applicant will be conducted by the faculty.
声乐方向 | Vocal Focus
Applicants to the Collaborative Piano – Vocal Focus major must be fluent in English and are required to complete an interview with the Chair of Collaborative Piano as part of the pre-screening process.
预筛选曲目要求 I Pre-Screening Audition Requirements
1. 莫扎特:《费加罗婚礼》选段“你们可知道”
2. 任选一首以下曲目:
3. 任选一首以下曲目:
4. 任选一首以下曲目:
5. 申请者自选一首具有代表性的作品,全部钢琴独奏作品要求背谱演奏。
Pre-Screening Audition Requirements
1. MOZART: Voi che sapete from Le nozze di Figaro
2. Choose one of the following:
-SCHUBERT: Ganymed (A-flat major)
-SCHUMANN: Mondnacht (E major)
3. Choose one of the following:
-WOLF: Er ist’s (G major)
-SCHUBERT: Der Musensohn (G major)
4. Choose one of the following:
-FAURÉ: Mandoline (A-flat major)
-DEBUSSY: Green (Original key)
5. A substantial solo piece of the applicant’s choice. All solo piano works must be performed from memory.
IMPORTANT: In the video recording, applicants must announce the complete titles of each vocal selection and the full names of each composer in the original language.
最终面试曲目要求 | Final Audition Requirements
1. 莫扎特《女人心》,咏叹调(含宣叙调)“使我不安的激动”。从“Ah! Scostati”开始。
2. 施特劳斯《玫瑰骑士》中选段“你是如何,你是怎样!”
3. 任选一首以下曲目:
4. 任选一首以下曲目:
5. 任选一首以下曲目:
6. 从以下独奏曲目中选择一项。必须背谱演奏。
-J.S.巴赫(J.S. Bach)的《平均律钢琴曲集》中的一首前奏曲与赋格曲。
7. 申请者在最终面试前一周会收到需要在面试时演奏并演唱的曲目乐谱。
8. 视奏。
Final Audition Requirements
The following repertoire requirements have been adjusted compared to last year. Be sure to review the changes. Last updated on September 18, 2024.
In addition to the requirements listed below, a second personal interview of the applicant will be conducted by the faculty. All applicants will be asked to sight-read at their live audition or during the online interview with faculty.
1. MOZART: Smanie implacabili, with recitativo from Così fan tutte (start from “Ah! Scostati”)
2. STRAUSS: Wie du warst from Der Rosenkavalier
3. Choose one of the following:
-SCHUBERT: Im Frühling (G major)
-BRAHMS: Botschaft (B-flat minor)
4. Choose one of the following:
-BERG: Die Nachtigall
-STRAUSS: Cäcilie (E-flat major)
5. Choose one of the following:
-DUPARC: Chanson triste
-FAURÉ: La lune blanche
6. Choose one of the following solo selections. Must be performed from memory.
-One prelude and fugue by J.S. Bach from The Well-Tempered Clavier.
-One solo piano piece of the applicant’s choice written in the 19th or 20th century.
7. One song to be played and sung at the same time by the candidate, emailed one week before the interview.
8. Sight-reading.
The candidate is required to perform with the singer provided by Tianjin Juilliard. The candidate will be responsible for coordinating rehearsal time directly with the audition partners.